Saturday 10 March 2012

Thursday 8th March 2012

It was on my mind all day, make sure you are online for a SKYPE with Max for his birthday. And somewhere in the hustle and bustle, I lost track of time, till Leen called me from upstairs " Anita, your SKYPE is ringing -" someone wants to SKYPE with you!" Darling Max, happy birthday sweetheart!! 12 years old. Where has the time gone? I was so happy to hear that granddad was there on your special day. Awesome, and he baked you a cake. Bet it was yum! Your party- dinner was cool to looking at the photos. Glad you had a great day. Love the t-shirt by the way! Great choice. Hope you get to wear it for a long time yet. Will look out for a bigger size if you like.

My prezzie is in the keep your eyes peeled. Hopefully the card did arrive on time. Don't have much faith in the " renewed" postal service I have to say. I love you! Omaxxx

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